Visit the Executive Council Chamber to discuss the role of the Governor, the Executive Council and the relationship of executive government to Parliament. Discuss Federation and the drafting of the Australian Constitution in the Deakin Room. Explore other exhibition spaces to examine the development of democratic processes in Victoria and the ways in which various rights were established and protected.
VCE Unit 1, 2, 3 & 4
Legal Studies
Unit 1 The Presumption of Innocence
Area of Study 1- Legal Foundations
Area of Study 2- Proving Guilt
Unit 2: Wrongs and Rights
Area of Study 3- Human Rights
Unit 3 Rights and Justice
Area of Study 1- The Victorian Criminal Justice System
Unit 4 The People, the Law and Reform
Area of Study 1- The People and the Law-Makers
Area of Study 2- The People and Reform